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Whereas it has pleased Almighty God to take away our dear & loving brother John Chidsey by death, he having left no issue of his body nor made any [defrays] of his estate by will or testament Now therefore know all men that we whose names are underwritten for the continuance estate a good agreement & the settlement of our respective interests with estate afairs here fully agreed or constitute as followith & fore [ ? ] as we do understand that it was the mind of our deceased father that his tan yard should be unto his sons And also the mind of our deceased brother that his part of the said tan yard should be unto his brethren Now we should agree that his & our brethren and Joseph and Ebenezer shall have and hold that part of the tan yard which did belong to our said deceased brother.

*John Chidsey Junior his home lot & barn shop & cellars

    £ 35-00-00

*a frame for a house

  £ 10-00-00

*his part of the tan yard belonging to it & the utinsils and accompaning house

    £ 50-00-00

*meadow & or land [ ?]

   £ 16-00-00

*a horse & a ox or his part of the cart plow & gears[ ? ]

   £  09-00-00

*pitch & working gears -12,  a gun sword & ammunition  2-5-0

   £  02-17-00

*a bed bedstead & furniture & his hats & all his wearing cloths-15-10

  £  23-10-00  

*his ? & furniture & his chest & pewter ware & his chest

        £   01-12-00

*his book  ivory comb 15-5, leather 73 £

  £ 74-00-00

*hides 62 £ his part of the [ ? ] at town

      £ 00-13-00

*his part of a swine

    £  92-00-00


       £  315-20-00

*Debts that were due said John Chidsey

    £ 08-14-00


     £ 334-04-00

*Debts due from said John Chidsey.

      £ 98-00-00    


    £ 236-04-00  

Vol. 2, Part 1, page 140        

June Court 1693        

John Chidsey with the privileges & appurtences there of to them heir executors or assigns forever futher that his wearing clothes should [ ? ] be divided between his brothers viz Joseph Caleb & Ebenezer. In witness where of the brothers of the deceased have set hands and seals this sixteenth day of June in the year of our lord one thousand six hundred and ninety three. In the presence of      

Samuel Alling

    Caleb Chedsey

    Richard Moles

   Samuel Alling

    Wm Willmont

#3 John Chidsey

Vol. 2, Part 1, page 139

March the 14th 1692/93  

 In judge of the estate of John Chidsey of New Haven decease